33 - Straight

East Sussex, United Kingdom

Jul 7, 2017 08:02

Comic books and graphic novels are my preferred form of literature, mostly because super heroes are cool and Spider-Man is a don.
I drink a lot of caffeine but then who doesn't these days? I must admit though Costa is so much better than Starbucks.
You'll find me attending a music festival or 2 in the summer and I go to the cinema quite often.
I stay active by playing football as often as I can and I'm still waiting to be snapped up by one of the big clubs, but I think my contract got lost in the mail somewhere. I'm sure it will happen soon though...
I love meeting new people and I'll talk to anyone, so I enjoy doing anything that allows me to be social especially if food or drink is involved.
Obviously though I'm a big gamer, which is why I'm here because I want to meet a like minded girl that I can relate to.
Action and Adventure/RPG are my go to genres but anything with a good story will get me hooked and anything competitive will keep me entertained for hours.

PS4 PSN: Jockeli_9000

Random fact: I'm a qualified scuba diver! 👌



Age: 35 / straight

East Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 22 / straight

East Sussex
United Kingdom