26 - Straight

West Midlands, United Kingdom

Nov 20, 2019 13:08

Hey, my name is Alex. I study at a college and study. I am currently 19 and live with my brothers.
im a gamer on PC#PC master race 😜, I'm a Streamer on twitch, my name is Imperialzombie if you want to watch my content, much appreciated👍

I like going out meeting new ppl, I am shy with new ppl but I'll get used to you🙈, ull have to just give it time.

The favorite things I like to do is stream games, go out on an adventure, and just have fun with friends. I also want to travel with a friend or with a significant other(if I get one lol).

follow my social medias at:

twitter: imperialzombie1


snapchat: itz_alexrayers



Age: 29 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 23 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom