26 - Straight

Wiltshire, United Kingdom

Nov 20, 2017 07:09

I'm a 6 foot 3, big, loveable, hugable guy. I play on PC and PS4, and consider my self to be a decent gamer.
I try to be quite funny, make a lot of jokes etc, sometimes it might make me come off as an ass hole, and I can assure you that yes, I am in fact an ass hole.
Favourite games right now have to be Overwatch and Dark Souls 3. Sprinkling of PUBG/Fortnite and Rainbow 6 Siege to spice things up as well.

Overall I'm really just looking for a Player 2, maybe a player 2 that would consider inviting her friend player 3 around for a Free for All, or we could just get a 64 Person LAN party if you're into that sort of thing. Either way