25 - Straight

Surrey, United Kingdom

Jun 25, 2018 12:32

I'm Cameron, I'm quite musical and methodical. Outside of gaming, I play Alto Saxophone and Ukulele, I like books, TV and films, and I drink a lot of coffee, probably too much. I love animals, particularly dogs. My favourite dog is my parents dog, and my second favourite is the nearest dog. I'm a student studying Aerospace Engineering, starting my second year this september, although I'm currently spending the summer at my parents house (they have s**t internet so I want to go back to Uni as soon as possible).

My favourite TV series are Firefly, Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Doctor Who, my favourite films are Deadpool, Kingsman and Airplane, and my favourite books are Harry Potter, The Painted Man series, and the Black Magician Trilogy. If you hadn't guessed I like Science Fiction and Fantasy, with a bit of Steam Punk thrown in.

I play lots of games, single and multiplayer. I love fun little games with lot's of personality, such as Duck Game, or Magicka. I also like grand epics such as the Mass Effect Trilogy, and KOTOR. I like small games that you can play for hours, like Stick Fight: The Game, or MINDNIGHT. I also love Bethesda games, I have around 1200hrs combined in the ones I own, so you can imagine that as a Sci-Fi fan, I am super excited for Starfield.

(I'm not very good in photos)



Age: 48 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 52 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 18 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 37 / straight

United Kingdom