60 - Straight

Maine, United States

Apr 28, 2021 02:53

Love to travel, very passionate man in every way. Was in the Air Force 7 years and traveled to Egypt, England and Greece. Looking for a nice friend to talk to on a daily basis see where it goes. Friendship and communication are important to me.

My work keeps my summers free for the most part.

I like dining out on occasion, movies inside or out, walking together side by side, some hiking, some shopping, site-seeing, holding hands, snuggling, long tender kisses, affection when least expected, laughter when least expected, and Life all the time.

Life Is Good And Always Remember The Good Times In The Most Difficult Of Days !

My interests are varied and none of them are necessities only occasional hobbies such as Musician (Do not go to jams) play guitar and synth, Hiking, Skiing, Ice Skating, site seeing, some shopping. I believe in Love very much ... I am somewhat spiritual and not religious per se ... I believe in possibilities ! I believe in Life !

I currently enjoy pc survival type games. Currently enjoying space survival games on twitch as harbingerman almost every night but getting ready to put my sailboat in the ocean come up here help me and lets go sailing ... would really rather be with the one I love ... as I miss being in love now ... here is a little poem:

Love is all around us all we have to do is look,
Love is exists in many forms,
One can find Love in a Book,
Love is there outside of norms...

Love calls you now from afar,
My Heart is empty and hurts so much,
Please talk with me my guiding Star,
For I long to feel your Loving touch...

I cannot Live in this world alone,
To seek god is to be together,
God is simply Love and home,
Let us join and face the weather...