36 - Straight

Hedmark, Norway

Jun 17, 2020 07:31

Hi Im Kenneth, nice to meet you!

''What are you looking for?''
I'm here to meet like minded people. In game, in chat, or even in person if you'd happened to live nearby. Currently single and free, but who knows, that could change if you're an amazing person.

''What are your hobbies?''
PS4 playing all sort of games. Lately it has been RDR2, Battlefield V, For Honor. After Feb 22 You'll find me in Anthem. Photography is my second hobby that I spend time on. Finally manned up some months ago, and started doing people portraits. Even though I still do self portraits from time to time when I don't have any modells at hand. Also, watching movies and listen to music is a popular thing in my house.

''So you're a nerd. You have other interests?''
Lavo, fishing, and bonfire anyone? Every now and then it is great to get of the digital radar and go offroad.

''How can I contact you?''
You could use this site. But I guess anything connected to an app on my phone would be easier.
So you could use one of these:
IG: Obscure_exposure
Snapchat: Myrpuddel
PSN: Dead_Maple

Feel free to add me on any of these. But please do introduce yourself so that I don't just delete your request. Text me, talk to me, send me memes and funny stuff. I'm really not a difficult person to talk to. And 99% of the time you'll get an answer. Just keep the conversation flowing