Hey, my name is Dionel Nunez, but everyone calls me Dino. I’m a 25 year old latino who was born in NY, currently living in NJ.
I’m just a guy who really enjoys video games. I own a PS4, Nintendo Switch, 3DS, N64, GameCube, SNES Classic, Wii, PSone, and a GBA. Big fan of Sonic the Hedgehog. Also like Mario, Yoshi, Kirby, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Uncharted, Kingdom Hearts, and many more franchisees. Like some anime too, like DBZ, Naruto, and My Hero Academia, just to name a few of many. (And One Punch Man.)
I’m looking for someone who shares the same interests as I do, who is also caring, sympathetic, trustworthy; basically one who is really awesome at being a great person. 😅 Here’s for hoping to meet you.