So, I've never been the best at these,"About Me" sections, but atleast seeing as this is a gamer's dating website, I have somewhat of a starting point? I do game on PlayStation 4, with a multitude of genres. Sports, Horror/Suspense, Shooters, Adventure, and a few more tht are hard to define. I don't take it too seriously, rather I use it as a release and escape. A way to relieve stress, much like I do at the gym. And it's always fun finding new, mature, like-minded people to play with. So, to find woman that I could possibly turn that into something more with? Yes please. Anyways, I do have a job, my own place to live, and quite a fun life but if I were to talk about allll that here, that'd just ruin the fun of convos now wouldn't it? Anyways, feel free to message anytime. PSN: The_Body_JJ