I’m a dorky Christian gamer who isn’t familiar with dating. So go easy on me. I’m an introvert, INFP, and mainly stay indoors, but am open to outdoor activities.
God plays a big part in my life. I owe him all I am. So I need someone who can not only appreciate that, but strengthen my faith as well. A partner in Christ. I’m not satisfied with stagnation, cause if I don’t know and understand God’s love, how can I know how to love others.
I’m very quirky, and like to play around with accents and voices. I love to make people laugh, in general. I also love a good pun. I’ll probably make a lot of references to known and obscure movies/TV shows/video games.(Most of which all of my family will understand.) Hopefully you’ll catch them too!
Speaking of which, my family is the type who like to hang out more than twice a year,(weird, right?) and play board games when we can. Sometimes we’re tame, and other times it just gets hilariously weird,(Thanks, Cards Against Humanity) and I’d love to include a +1 in on that.
On a serious note:
I’m looking for someone sweet and gentle. Someone who’s loving and affectionate. I’ve had a bunch happen in my life recently that has left me less than 100%. So I need someone that can be patient with me, and empathetic when I’m struggling. I ain’t the type to bog others down with my problems, though, so you probably wouldn’t even notice at first. I love to joke around and be funny about 90% of the time,(preferably so) but I can appreciate that life sometimes asks us to be serious.
Thanks for reading this. Even if you don’t leave a like, or respond to mine, I appreciate your time.