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23 - Straight

QLD, Australia

Dec 23, 2019 13:32

Will update later but I try to stay away from people with no conviction. Wana chat, my friends are far away and aren't interested in most of my hobbies, still brothers though. Only interested if you play PC games, watch weeb stuff and just talk about random subjects. I sound like a boring non chalant upright guy but that might be me. I do stupid stuff in real life and in video games so maybe im not boring, dunna. Not uploading a picture due to "personal" reasons, so I uploaded my crispy wedges with homemade chicken salt, bloody good. My physical appearance (no boasting) is a 6-7/10. So averageI have terrible jokes, so i make up for dark and edgy humour, such as "i have terminal butt cancer". I've had a mate that survived cancer and just love taking the piss out of of everything. And i generally dont like people who can't "move" on. We're all flawed, meet, talk, learn, avoid or find out more. If you haven't noticed yet, im the definition of cringe



Age: 50 / straight



Age: 23 / straight
