A little older than your average undergrad student (21 and 1st year rather than 4th year) o.o" - I'm happy to chat! I am more of a casual gamer if anything, I league perhaps once or twice a fortnight, but I make sure to check into Maplestory - even just briefly - once a day ^_^. I'm an easygoing guy I would like to think, honest, loyal and open to new things but time-investment wise, I am most likely not looking to try new games (simply because I feel it would compromise time-balance in relation to study). Sorry for this wordy "about me" description -__-, I'm also concerned about my own physical health, and make sure to actively exercise, and enjoy some casual soccer/tennis. I handle both outside and inside dates if you know what I mean >_O.
In case you want to chat on an easier platform (where I'm reached better), my discord tag is #4330 (don't forget the angle brackets '')