46 - Straight

Arkansas, United States

Nov 24, 2017 18:58

I'm a goofy, class-clown, kind of guy who is guaranteed to bring you a lifetime of laughter. I am fluent in playful sarcasm and love a good battle of wits. I will engage you in a battle of wits, even if I know I'll lose, because I enjoy the mental skirmish. I also might be found quoting movies in normal conversation because, well, I'm a dork I guess.

I am also a genuine Christian man seeking that special someone with whom I can grow and mature in the Proverbs 31 kind of woman worth more than the most precious gems. I travel annually on mission trips to Honduras with the Church of Christ and translate for our team. It is a very spiritually rewarding experience.

I'm also a techie. I love technology and gadgets as well as gaming. My perfect match would know that things such as gaming keyboards, Memory upgrades, wireless headphones, lasers, or any other type of tech brings me great joy. Any other nerds or geeks out there looking for a match? haha

Finally, I'm loyal to a fault. I love deeply and unconditionally. I am not a gambler, nor a drunkard, nor a slanderer or gossiper, nor a drug addict, nor an abuser, and most importantly not an adulterer. I believe in the permanency and sanctity of marriage.

What I’m doing with my life
Paying down all my debts swiftly and trying to be a good steward of the Lord's blessings. I owe only on my car and home now. Raising my kiddo. Trying to figure out how to get my body back in shape. A lot of my struggle is not having the time to cook wholesome meals for myself during my busy weeks. I want to be healthy and to get my Marine Corps body back as well as to look good for you, the future love of my life.

I’m really good at
Learning foreign languages, serving others, sharing the Lord's blessings with others, being a goofball, and very tech savvy.

I am also very patient, long suffering, kind, and understand what true unconditional love is and how to love that way. If I choose to love you, I will love you faults and all.

The first things people usually notice about me
Is how nice you make me look when we're walking hand-in-hand or with my arm around you.

Probably my haircut - I haven't given up my military cut since I got back from South Korea in 2000.

Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food
I'm not much of a reader. I've read "The Shack", "The Love Dare", "Muscle and Shovel", and am constantly in the Bible. I'm currently reading, "When Shovels Break".

I love video games / pc games. I'm a gamer at heart. It's my go-to stress relief and for winding down in the evenings. That is, of course, until I find myself a great woman to pour my time and love into. The gamer in me though will not likely die out completely. Join me?

I'm a huge movie buff. I buy popcorn buckets each year (knowing full well I have to use them about 20 times to get my return on investment for them - yeah I actually calculated that). There aren't many movies I don't like. I favor deep plots, sci-fi, and action-adventure. I'm not too proud to watch a chick-flick either. Just don't make fun of me if I tear up at the heart warming moments. I've got a huge tender heart that bleeds compassion for others and their turmoil. Don't let that fool you though, I'm a former Marine and have some training in Ishinryu Karate and Jiu-Jitsu. I am also confident in my salvation, so if someone were to threaten you, I would charge at a knife/gun wielding madman to save you, without hesitation. They better strike well, because if they do not, they'll rue the day that I got my hands on them.

TV Shows
I can also go on Netflix binges for a good TV Show and some of my favorite shows are Duck Dynasty, Impractical Jokers, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, The Office, and just about anything sci-fi.

I favor and LOVE techno, dubstep, and electronica type music. I'll listen to just about anything though, with the exception of (c)Rap (it's spelled with a silent C), and country in general is VERY slow to me. I do like some of the more upbeat, spiritually motivated, or heartfelt country though. I've got such a variety that I can't claim any one genre as my favorite. I might have techno and christian a capella on the same disc. haha (Did I mention I'm a dork? haha)

Mexican, Chinese, Italian, Steakhouse, Thai..... Basically I like just about anything but fish, most vegetables, and even some fruits. Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Mango, Melons? Yuck!
The six things I could never do withoutedit essay
Obligatory List
Clothing, Food, God, My Son, Shelter, Water

List of top 6 preferences to not live without
• 150mbps Cable Internet Package or greater - LOVE it!
• Air Conditioning!
• Gaming PC that I built
• Mission Work
• Technology
• You! - My future woman of noble character.

I spend a lot of time thinking about...
Whether or not God will bless me with a humble and faithful wife or if he wants me to remain single and in service to him for the remainder of my days. I pray though and petition for you frequently.

On a less serious note....
• Walking Dead predictions and end of world scenarios
• How to cook the perfect....anything? Seriously, save me!
• Why our God would create the entire universe just for us!? Humbling!
• Why couples don't greet each other with the same enthusiasm as their pets? If we greeted each other the way our pets do, we'd always be happy to see each other.
• Why stoplights haven't progressed technologically and I still end up sitting at a 4 way, with no other cars, glaring at a red light?
• Why do some people put their children on leashes? (shaking my head) I just sternly tell my boy, "No!", and that's the end of it. If it happens again a quick pop on the fanny seems to do the trick. Leashes? That's just a sign of bad parenting in my opinion and a lack of control over your brood.

On a typical Friday night I am...
Either at a bible study, working out, hanging out with friends at a movie, or at home relaxing, watching a show/movie or playing games. My weekdays are so busy that when the weekend comes, I appreciate a good lazy day at home with family. I do like to get out from time to time though for some fun. (Not clubbing!)

The most private thing I’m willing to admit
I have a tender and compassionate heart. The sound of a woman's voice praising the Lord can bring me to tears. There's just something so pure and beautiful about that.

Also, I long to make an impact in the world for Christ and not to be just another person who lives, works, and dies here. I want to be the laborer that he prayed for and instructed his disciples to pray for in Matthew 9:36-38 where it says, "36 But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. 37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; 38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest."

...AND when I joined this site, I thought the questions were produced by the site owners not the user base and therefore answered hundreds of very private questions before I realized it. After every page of answered questions, I thought, "Geez, this is the LONGEST account creation of any site I've ever seen!" Now that I've answered them, I thought, ah well, they'll be fun to read I guess and maybe help narrow down the person I'm looking for. haha

You should message me if love the Lord and want a man who wants to grow with you spiritually, who is funny and nice, and who intends to love you like the Lord loves the Church.

Bonus Points if any of the following apply to you...

• are keeping yourself pure until marriage
• have never been married
• *love kids
• *have a heart for The Lord
• *love bible studies and worship services as well as fellowship
• *are interested in Mission work or will at least support me in it (I go every year at least once, sometimes twice - would love someone to share these experiences with)
• know how to cook
• are a gamer (We love gaming in this house! haha) - not necessarily a requirement but it would be nice to have a partner to play with for fun.
• *are compassionate
• *are giving both of your financial means and in service to others
• are humble
• *are a "cuddler" - Touch is my love language
• are nocturnal
• have fashion sense (seriously you may have to dress me haha )
• *love technology and/or embrace it (ie - Gadgets will be bought, will that be a problem for you? Some people are anti-tech)
• are a hopeless romantic
• *are kind
• *are loyal
• are goofy
• and are a Proverbs 31:10-31 kind of lady
• *you're scripturally able to remarry (I'm in this for the long term)

You should NOT message me if you...
• smoke and have no desire to quit (I loathe the smell of smoke)
• drink excessively or enjoy the bar scene
• swear or curse like a sailor or in every day speech
• like to go clubbing
(A place with vulgar music, alcohol, and drunkards is not a place I want the woman in my life to enjoy herself.)
• are non-religious or not willing to devote your heart to the Lord - I'm a firm believer that I cannot be unequally yoked. It wouldn't be fair to you or me.
• gamble
I don't want to be with someone who is going to squander our financial blessings.
• Do any drugs (even marijuana and even if it is legal)
I want someone who is of sound mind.
• do not want kids (I have a young boy - so this is a deal breaker) I've also dreamed of having a daddy's girl. Lord willing...
• are a vegetarian and refuse to be in the presence of or to prepare meat (sorry but I'm carnivorous - there will be blood! haha)
• are not an animal lover (I have 2 dogs and 1 stupid cat).

I am sometimes very shy when it comes to a beautiful woman. Therefore, if you are interested, you should LIKE me if I haven't already messaged you, as I may be too intimidated by your beauty to think I even have a shot. I know in my heart that I deserve someone beautiful both inside and out, but sometimes, I need a nudge to get over that fear of the initial conversation.



Age: 25 / straight

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