27 - Straight

Porto, Portugal

Apr 4, 2021 22:58

Hello there
My name Joseph and i am from Portugal. Right now i am at level 23

Are you studing? --> Yes, i am studying computer science at Universety of Porto. Also I'm a volunteer firefighter
What do you do in the free times? --> Well my life is changing because the quarantines of this pandemic so in the free times i play games and i program some code for developing my skills.
Do you play games? --> Yeah i play PS4 and PC
What are you playing? --> Right now i am playing more of Rocket League and Minecraft at the PC but in the PS4 i play God Of War, Uncharted, Last of Us.
What music do you like? --> More into Rock/Metal or Pop but atm i am at Lofi Beats
What is your objective here? --> Well i am a simple guy who wants to chat and meet new people.
Do you think you can find the soulmate here? --> Life is full of suprises so i dont know
Where i can talk to you? --> Here in this website is fine but it's kinda rare to come here so the best way is to send me a message to my discord (Z+e#6621)

I hope this was some description of me
If you want chat with me, you are willing to send me a message or you can add me on discord
DISCORD --> Josefi#6621
PS: I am a little bit shy so if tou message a message and i dont response quickly, it's because i am thinking about what is the best way to response