So that's my xbox gamertag. I'm a console gamer but also just ordered an insane pc and a VR headset because I really want to play Horror VR games. I work hard and play hard and have a tendency to go on ridiculous adventures and trips last minute. I stay pretty active and play a lot of different sports. Covid has been hard for me since all my leagues have stopped so there isn't much I can play. I have a problem where I don't really say no to much. Well traveled and game most evenings with the same assholes I've been playing for over a decade and always making new friends. I'm a s**t talker and I'm told I'm a reallyi good time and I'm funny. I love RPGs, shooters, horror games, etc... kinda everything but I play mostly multiplayer games with friends. Big on ESO right now but I play a lot of everything. Fun party games me and my friends drink and play til we are crying from laughing are GangBeasts, Ultimate Chicken Horse, Friday the 13th... those kind of games. Try to contain yourself but I got my 15 year cape in Runescape last year. ;-P
Fun fact: I had a turtle that ran away. I still miss you Matilda.