32 - Straight

Vermont, United States

Jan 12, 2023 20:21

Well, hobby wise I drift toward any narrative I can, be it movies; books; cartoons; anime; and especially video games. I'm currently a streamer, where I play games for an audience, and while it may be the worst paying job I've ever had, it is certainly the most soul fulfilling.

My top three virtues are Loyalty, Honesty, and Laughter, in that order. These are my virtues by choice; it took many years of growth and self improvement to be the man I am today. I still make mistakes, but I put in a conscious effort to be a better person than I was in my youth.

Part of "Laughter" is finding the humor in most situations. I will be telling jokes constantly, and some of them will be funny. I also tend use comedy as a defense mechanism, and for that you have my sincerest apologies.