Hey 😊
I'm Rob I'm a musician and work for the NHS but generally speaking in a massive nerd and have been before it was socially acceptable 🤣. - I'm very glad it is now by the way! I realised recently that if I'm not honest about myself and what I want then I won't ever meet what I'm looking for so that's what's brought me here! I'm quite tall (6,2) and 35 and looking for a monogamous relationship. Because I work full time and have for a while I own all the games but love online multiplayer games 🤓, and love playing and talking with groups, but also square enix and Bethesda single player games. I'm currently on a wow tolerance break but would love to find someone who loves these as much as me. Outside of that Im trying to be more active on the weekends (at least once 😊) so I try and go for a walk or get out and about before retreating to my cave 😂 and would be great to find someone to do all this with 😊